As a destination school, secondary schools attract the following benefits from using the Transition Portal to collect information about their upcoming primary pupils.
Reduced administration. The Portal reduces the need for School Administrators to send out individual forms to collect data about pupils.
Increased efficiency – pupil information is collated in one place, with the ability to see at a glance which children still need information uploaded.
GDPR and Data Protection (2018) secure, no risking data breeches through sending of unencrypted emails or handwritten notes.
Visual clues for pupils that may need additional support, or are at risk, through flagged fields.
Ability to arrange virtual meetings to learn more about pupils, including a “notes” field to store key information that may be discussed.
Our team build relationships with Transition Portal users and provide centralised tracking, support and encouragement with engagement to ensure maximum participation. Full technical support for users provided by experienced Link ICT technicians.
Find Out More – Primary to Secondary (KS2 – KS3) Transition Portal
In addition to the benefits above, secondary schools also gain further advantages from using the Transition Portal as a feeder school.
Easy upload and creation of students by data managers and administrative staff.
No need to fill out different forms for each different destination post-16.
Ability to upload both predicted and actual exam results, files and to share additional information such as student’s key skills in English and Maths.
Clear, easy to use interface with clear representation of which students have their information completed.
Information moves with the student, meaning that no information is lost to the destination school and no need to refill information if a student changes their Post 16 destination.
Student focused approach with the option to flag students at risk during transition to raise awareness to the destination institution.
Through using the portal it is possible to track which students are Not in Education, Employment, or Training, prompting earlier intervention.
Our team build relationships with Transition Portal users and provide centralised tracking, support and encouragement with engagement to ensure maximum participation. Full technical support for users provided by experienced Link ICT technicians.